Saturday, September 23 – 2:00, Room 202
Imagine! You are about to enter another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. Next stop… the Teleportation Panel with author Tal M. Klein, Steven Showalter and Drs. Brian Monson and Jack Wadell. Is teleportation possible in a real world time continuum? Can we “jump rooms?” What might the ramifications be? What happens if we get “splinched?” Come join the discussion with NASA’s own Steven Showalter, Tal M. Klein, author of the book “The Punch Escrow,” which centers on this panel topic and well respected professors from the Arkansas School for Math, Science, and the Arts, Drs. Brian Monson and Jack Wadell in room 202 to toss around the feasibility, probability and to imagine the possibilities of teleportation. The Panel will be introduced by Jim Miller, Mid-America Science Museum.
Dr. Steven Schowalter is an atomic physicist currently working at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, California. His scientific work has ranged from trapping single atoms to designing miniaturized laser systems to building devices that search for extraterrestrial life in our solar system.
Tal M. Klein was born in Israel, grew up in New York, and currently lives in Detroit with his wife and two daughters. When his daughter Iris was five years old, she wrote a book called I’m a Bunch of Dinosaurs that went on to become one of the most successful children’s book projects on Kickstarter —something that Tal explained to Iris by telling her, “your book made lots of kids happy.” Iris then asked Tal, “Daddy, why don’t you write a book that makes lots of grownups happy?” Tal mulled this over for a few years, and eventually wrote his first book, The Punch Escrow. It won the Inkshares Geek & Sundry Hard Science Fiction Publishing contest, and will be the first book published on Inkshares’ Geek & Sundry imprint.