Spa-Con Showdown – Smash Bros Tournament

Spa-Con Roleplaying Games

Board Games

Welcome to the Spa-Con board game section.  We hope you will stop by and take some time to visit our library of games and stay for a while.  Below is a list of games that will be available to checkout during the convention, and we’ll be adding more before the start of the show.  To check out one of the games, just exchange a valid ID with a phone number for the game, and it will be returned as soon as you return the game. Steadfast Hobbies and Games (and now Comic Books) is sponsoring the board game area.  Everytime someone checks out a board game you will get an entry into a raffle to win one of the two $50 gift cards at the end of the show (you do not have to be present to win).  Just visit the Steadfast Hobbies and Games Facebook page the day after the convention to find out if you have won.
Check back for list of board games at Spa-Con 2025!