Spa-Con weekend passes will go on sale for $15, for one-day only, in person at the Convention Center on Saturday, Feb. 4 from Noon to 7. In addition to purchasing discounted weekend passes, we will also be hosting activities – gaming, and cosplay. In a sense, creating a “mini-con”.
Spa-Con presents and early bird weekend pass event, Saturday, Feb 4.
- Spa-Con – a multi genre comic and sci-fi convention has set the dates for its second convention, September 22-24, 2017 at the Hot Springs Convention Center.
- “Early bird” Spa-Con weekend passes will go on sale Saturday, February 4th for $15.00.
- “Early Bird” pricing will be available for one day only, in person on Saturday, Feb 4th at the HS Convention Center from 12:00 Noon to 7:00pm. Cash or credit cards accepted.
- Spa-Con weekend passes will then be available via beginning Sunday, February 5th for the reduced rate of $20.00. The price will increase to $25 on April 1, 2017. Passes will increase to $35 on the weekend of the convention.
- In addition to “Early Bird” weekend passes, Spa-Con will be sponsoring gaming and cosplay events and recruiting volunteers during the “Early Bird” ticketing event.
Gaming events include:
- The King of the Springs Video Game Tournament, 9am to 10pm. Room 207, 8, 9.
- Party Game & Table Top gaming in Room 203, 4. – Noon to 6PM
- RPG gaming in Room 201 – Noon to 6PM.
- Cosplay contest and Meet Up for all ages. 5PM to 7PM. Contest at 6PM in the Grand Lobby of the Convention Center.
- Food and drinks will be available for sale.